Joint Stock Company "Uzbekgeofizika"
seismic and electrical exploration, well logging, mud logging, core analysis and calculation a hydocarbons deposit reserves
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All NewsChairman of the Board of Uzbekgeofizika JSC R.A.Yusupzhonov visited the seismic exploration field party of the Yakkaboga Geophysical Expedition branch.
The chief auditor of CERT International, R.A.Ibragimov, awarded certificates of compliance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 37001:2016 of the anti-corruption management system of Uzbekgeofizika JSC and the branch of the Yakkabag Geophysical Expedition.
Specialists of the Amirabad Field Geophysical Expedition branch performed a full range of geophysical work in well No. 20 of the Tegirmon mine at a depth of 2,440 meters and recommended intervals with gas inflow to the customer.
The Ferghana Geophysical Expedition branch regularly carries out maintenance and repair of vehicles and field equipment in order to effectively implement production plans in field batches.
On July 26-29, 2024, an external audit was successfully conducted to protect the certified anti-corruption system of Uzbekgeofizika JSC and certify the activities of the Yakkaboga Geophysical Expedition branch based on the requirements of the international standard ISO 37001:2016.
Useful information
Uzbekgeophysics in numbers
More than two hundred oil and gas fields in the Republic of Uzbekistan have been discovered based on the results of the work of Uzbekgeofizika JSC
The only geophysical enterprise in the Republic of Uzbekistan that provides a full range of services: seismic and electrical exploration, well logging, mud logging, core analysis and calculation a hydocarbons deposit reserves
State-owned enterprises with the highest profit by the end of 2021
Highly qualified employees equipped with modern high-tech equipment
Uzbekgeofizika JSC has been providing high-quality and reliable geophysical research for 65 years
Territorial authorities
“Amirabad field geophysical expedition”
5, Sanoatchilar street, Bukhara city.
Working hours and transport
Mon. - Fri. / from 8:00 to 17:00
Admission days
Mon. - Sat. / from 8:00 to 17:00
"Bukhara geophysical expedition"
1, Konchilar street, Geofizika mahalla, Kagan district of Bukhara region.
Working hours and transport
Mon. - Fri. / from 8:00 to 17:00
6, 9.
Admission days
Mon. - Sat. / from 8:00 to 17:00
“Yakkabag geophysical expedition”
156, Geophysics street, Guliston mahalla, Yakkabag district, Kashkadarya region.
Working hours and transport
Mon. - Fri. / from 8:00 to 17:00
Admission days
Mon. - Sat. / from 8:00 to 17:00
“Ferghana geophysical expedition”
3, Turkistan street, Kokand city, Fergana district.
Working hours and transport
Mon. - Fri. / from 8:00 to 17:00
Admission days
Mon. - Fri. / from 8:00 to 17:00
Headquarter of JSC "Uzbekgeofizika"
house 5, street Buyuk Kelazhak, Toshkent district, Toshkent city
Working hours and transport
Mon. - Fri. / from 8:00 to 17:00
25, 1, 17
19, 73, 76, 43
Admission days
Mon. - Fri. / from 8:00 to 17:00
"Ustyurt geophysical expedition"
7, Ulli Jiipek Joli street, Geophysics mahalla, Nukus city, Republic of Karakalpakstan.
Working hours and transport
Mon. - Fri. / from 8:00 to 17:00
47, 49, 77
Директор «Ферганской геофизической экспедиции».
Усманов Давлатжон Мухаммадалиевич
Phone(73) 543 34 38 -
Главный инженер, директор по производству первый заместитель
Муратаев Мирмахсуд Мирмуқсинович
Phone(73) 543 35 05 -
Заместитель директора по геологии и геофизике
Абдуллаев Муроджон Халиевич
Phone(73) 543 34 15 -
Admission days
Mon. - Fri. / from 8:00 to 17:00
Working hours and transport
Admission days