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А meeting was held at the branch of the "Bukhara Geophysical Expedition" on the topic "Cybercrime: analysis, threat and protection."


The trade union of the branch "Yakkabag geophysical expedition" organized a trip to the sights of the Surkhandarya region for veterans.


The "Bukhara Geophysical Expedition" branch trade union organized pilgrimage events for the veterans of the branch.


In accordance with the order of the State Committee of Geology and Mineral Resources, the competition "Gimnastrada" was held under the motto "Geolog ayollar - nafosat timsoli" among women of enterprises.


In the branch "Ustyurt Geophysical Expedition" in honor of "November 11 is the day of trade union organizations" sports events were held among employees.


Congratulation of the Chairman of the Board of JSC "Uzbekgeofizika" R.A. Yusupjonov with the holiday of November 11 - the Day of Trade Unions.


In order to ensure the implementation of the "Youth Program" JSC "Uzbekgeofizika" held a training seminar in the branch "Bukhara Geophysics Expedition".


On October 30-31, employees of the Kokan field geophysical party, a branch of the Ferghana Geophysical Expedition, conducted field geophysical surveys in the Makhram area of the Republic of Tajikistan.


Plans for annual seismic survey and electrical survey according to the state program were completed ahead of schedule.


On November 2, employees of the "Ustyurt Geophysical Expedition" branch held a training seminar for students of the "Oil and Gas" Faculty of Karakalpak State University.


"Uzbekgeofizika" JSC United trade union won the 2nd place in the republican stage of the republican competition of the best primary trade union organization "On saving electricity and fuel and energy resources".


On October 29-30 of this year, the "Geology Cup-2022" competition was held among youth working in the system of the State Geological Committee.

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