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The work of the Dzhambulak 3D field party of the branch of the Yakkabag Geophysical Expedition of Uzbekgeofizika JSC was studied.


The work of the Dzhambulak 3D field party of the branch of the Yakkabag Geophysical Expedition of Uzbekgeofizika JSC was studied.

Advisor to the Minister of Mining Industry and Geology of the Republic of Uzbekistan N. Mukhutdinov inspected the work in the Dzhambulak 3D field party of the branch of the Yakkabag Geophysical Expedition of Uzbekgeofizika JSC, which conducts 3D seismic exploration in promising oil and gas areas of the Kashkadarya region.

During the study, the adviser became familiar with the processes of field seismic surveys, the status of project implementation, as well as the quality of work in the field computing center.

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